Version 11.21 of EmailSuccess is now available.
New features and improvements include:
- A new Collector, to periodically track the status of the sending queues
- A new Autotuning option “connection_count_per_remote_ip” to enable granularity in how EmailSuccess enforce max concurrent connections limit at the provider level
- Autotuning provider definitions now support the use of wildcard domains.
Below is an example of the definition for the Office365 provider:
/* Provider Configuration: office365 */
def void office365_definition(config)
def office365 = config.provider(‘office365’)
office365.dnsnames = [‘*.mail.protection.outlook.com‘]
/* AutoTuning Parameters: office365 */
… provider configurations …
/* Provider Invocation: office365 */
Other improvements and bug fixes:
- Enhanced sending distribution between multiple IPs
- Faster recycling of idle sending connections to providers
- Fixes regarding the connection reuse on secure (STARTTLS) connections
- New HerdDB release with many performance and stability improvements
EmailSuccess is available in both Free, Standard and Enterprise versions.
Introducing EmailSuccess New Version 11.21
ultima modifica: 2019-11-25T11:10:07+01:00
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