Splunk is an enterprise quality solution for analysing unstructured data from IT systems.
Thanks to the CSV files generated from collectors, EmailSuccess can send his data to the Splunk installation.
Elastic is an open source analytics engine stack that gained popularity quickly. Logstash, ElasticSearch and Kibana can be used together to monitor and create personalized dashboards.
Clients of EmailSuccess can use collectors files to easily export data and create dashboards and analytic boards.
Kafka is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. It is horizontally scalable, fault-tolerant, wicked fast, and runs in production in thousands of companies.
EmailSuccess can use Kafka to distribute and replicate data from collectors output.
Pravega is an open-source elastic storage service for storing unbounded streams of data. It’s used for storing streaming data, data from real-time applications and IoT data.
EmailSuccess can use Pravega to distribute and replicate data from collectors output.
HerdDB is a SQL distributed database implemented in Java. It has been designed to be embeddable in any Java Virtual Machine. It is optimised for fast “writes” and the primary key read/update access patterns.
This is the DBMS developed specifically to satisfy EmailSuccess high performance requirements and now released as an Open Source project for generic purpose usage.
Rspamd is a fast, free and open-source spam filtering system.
EmailSuccess is able to test incoming messages against Rspamd through API calls, and accept them based on the score it returns.
Ongage is one of the most advanced SMTP fronts ends in the market today, offering a robust feature set for campaign management, including mail design, list management, segmentation and behavioural targeting, autoresponders, A/B testing.
EmailSuccess takes full advantage of the functionalities of both systems, thus making way for a more comprehensive email marketing strategy.
BlackBox offers exclusive access to hundreds of millions of email addresses that have been proven to be detrimental to list health and mailing reputation.
Clients of EmailSuccess use BlackBox to gain the visibility they need to avoid risk and keep deliverability running smoothly.
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS).
EmailSuccess can use MySQL to store message data.